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Advantages of bale net

In recent years, bale nets have become a popular alternative to replacing hemp rope. Compared with hemp rope, bale net has the following advantages:
1. Save bundling time
For small round bundles, in the process of using hemp rope, the number of winding turns is 6, which is quite wasteful. The weight of the round bundles produced is 60 kilograms, and the volume is small. , During the storage process, because the twine is entangled and the area is too small, the storage of straw crops cannot achieve the protective effect.
The straw bale net wraps the straw in a large area, the number of winding turns is 2, the winding density is high and compact, during the transportation process, there will be no straw scattered on the ground, and the animals cannot more easily come into contact with the straw feed, even if it is drenched by rain. At this time, the rainwater will slide down the net and will not seep into the straw.
2, hemp rope storage trouble
If the hemp rope is not stored properly, it will cause animals to bite. If it is not transported properly, it will cause the straw to scatter. If it is not stored properly, in the rainy season, after the straw bales are exposed to the rain, rainwater will infiltrate into the straw, which will cause the straw to become moldy and cause the straw net to become moldy. It can strengthen wind resistance, which is better than traditional hemp rope, and can reduce the rot of hay by about 50%. At the same time, weaving this moldy feed will cause harm to the animal’s body or indigestion after the animal eats it.
3. Easy to cut and unload
The hay bale net is very convenient to cut and remove, so you don’t have to worry about finding the edge of the net, and the volume of the bale net can be greatly reduced when handling.

How to distinguish between good and bad bale nets?
PP raw material products are divided into three grades, and the methods of differentiation include color, weight, and softness.
1. Look at the color
a. The color of pure new material is pure white, bright and free of impurities.
b. The mesh surface is flat and smooth, the flat wire and the slit are parallel, neat and uniform, and the warp and weft are clear and crisp.
c, good gloss, with a sense of texture, deep black and bright, rather than the feeling of floating bright.
There are three steps in the production of adulterated baling nets. First, the production of PP raw material particles. In this process, the product can be adulterated, added, and then re-produced (re-produced ingredients, purchased second-hand plastics such as , beverage bottles, household plastic products, plastic products after medical use, these include drip bottles, plastic syringes, melted in the furnace) such plastics have more impurities, and the color is dull.

2. Look at the weight
The effect of adding talc powder to the raw material increases the gloss of the product and increases the weight of the product. The weight of one meter of pure new material bale net and one meter of baled net added to the raw material should be increased by 0.3 grams, 1t. Below, the cost savings is considerable.

3. Look at the softness
When touched by hand, good-quality baling nets are softer, and adulterated raw materials feel rough to the touch.