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the selection of insect nets need to pay attention to several issues:

At present, many vegetable farmers use 30-mesh insect-proof nets, while some vegetable farmers use 60-mesh insect-proof nets. At the same time, the colors of insect nets used by vegetable farmers are also black, brown, white, silver, and blue. So what kind of insect net is suitable?

First of all, choose insect nets reasonably according to the pests to be prevented.

For example, for some moth and butterfly pests, due to the large size of these pests, vegetable farmers can use insect control nets with relatively few meshes, such as 30-60 mesh insect control nets. However, if there are many weeds and whiteflies outside the shed, it is necessary to prevent them from entering through the holes of the insect-proof net according to the smaller size of the whiteflies. It is recommended that vegetable farmers use denser insect-proof nets, such as 50-60 mesh.

Choose insect nets of different colors according to different needs.

Because thrips have a strong tendency to blue, the use of blue insect-proof nets is easy to attract thrips outside the shed to the surrounding of the greenhouse. Once the insect-proof net is not tightly covered, a large number of thrips will enter the shed and cause harm; Using white insect-proof net, this phenomenon will not occur in the greenhouse, and when used in conjunction with the shading net, it is appropriate to choose white.

There is also a silver-gray insect-proof net that has a good repelling effect on aphids, and the black insect-proof net has a significant shading effect, which is not suitable for use in winter and even cloudy days. It can be selected according to actual use needs.

Generally compared with summer in spring and autumn, when the temperature is lower and the light is weak, white insect-proof nets should be used; in summer, black or silver-gray insect-proof nets should be used in order to take into account the shading and cooling; in areas with serious aphids and virus diseases, in order to drive To avoid aphids and prevent virus diseases, silver-gray insect-proof nets should be used.

Again, when choosing an insect-proof net, you should also pay attention to check whether the insect-proof net is complete. Some vegetable farmers reported that many insect-proof nets they just bought had holes. Therefore, they reminded vegetable farmers that they should unfold the insect-proof nets when purchasing to check whether the insect-proof nets have holes.

However, we suggest that when used alone, you should choose brown or silver-gray, and when used in conjunction with shade nets, choose silver-gray or white, and generally choose 50-60 mesh.

3. The following aspects should also be paid attention to when installing and using insect-proof nets in greenhouses:
1. The seeds, soil, plastic shed or greenhouse frame, frame material, etc. may contain pests and eggs. After the insect-proof net is covered and before planting crops, the seeds, soil, greenhouse skeleton, frame materials, etc. must be treated with insecticide. This is the key link to ensure the cultivation effect of the insect-proof net and prevent the large number of diseases and insect pests in the net room. serious damage.

Using thiamethoxam (Acta) + chlorantraniliprole + 1000 times of Jiamei Boni solution to irrigate the roots has a good effect on preventing the outbreak of piercing-sucking mouthpart pests and underground pests.

2. When planting, the seedlings should be brought into the shed with medicine, and robust plants without pests and diseases should be selected.

3. Strengthen daily management. When entering and leaving the greenhouse, the door of the shed should be tightly closed, and the relevant utensils should be disinfected before agricultural operations to prevent the introduction of viruses, so as to ensure the effectiveness of the insect-proof net.

4. It is necessary to check the insect-proof net frequently for tears. Once found, it should be repaired in time to ensure that no pests invade in the greenhouse.

5. Ensure coverage quality. The insect-proof net should be fully enclosed and covered, and the surrounding area should be compacted with soil and firmly fixed with a lamination line; the doors of entering and leaving the large, medium shed and greenhouse must be installed with an insect-proof net, and pay attention to close it immediately when entering and leaving. Insect-proof nets cover cultivation in small arched sheds, and the height of the trellis should be significantly higher than that of the crops, so as to prevent vegetable leaves from sticking to the insect-proof nets, so as to prevent pests from eating outside the nets or laying eggs on vegetable leaves. There should be no gaps between the insect-proof net used for closing the air vent and the transparent cover, so as not to leave a passage for pests to enter and exit.

6. Comprehensive supporting measures. In addition to the insect-proof net covering, the soil should be deeply ploughed, and sufficient base fertilizers such as well-rotted farmyard manure and a small amount of compound fertilizer should be applied. The crops should be fertilized in time during the growth and development period to enhance the plant’s resistance to stress and disease. Comprehensive supporting measures such as improved seeds, biological pesticides, and micro-spraying and micro-irrigation can achieve better results.

7. The insect-proof net can keep warm and moisturizing. Therefore, when carrying out field management, pay attention to the temperature and humidity in the net room, and ventilate and dehumidify in time after watering to avoid diseases caused by excessive temperature and humidity.

8. Proper use and storage. After the insect-proof net is used in the field, it should be collected in time, washed, dried, and rolled to prolong its service life and increase economic benefits.