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Orchard Science uses bird net

Birds are man’s friends and eat a lot of agricultural pests every year. However, in fruit production, birds are prone to damage buds and branches, spread diseases and insect pests in the growing season, and peck and peck off fruits in the mature season, causing considerable losses to producers. In order to effectively reduce bird damage in orchards on the basis of protecting birds and maintaining ecological balance, it is a better choice to build bird-proof nets in orchards.
The erection of anti-bird nets can not only effectively protect mature fruits, but also better protect birds, which is a common practice in the world. Our city is above the migratory bird migration channel. The density of birds is extremely high, and the density is even much higher than that in mountainous areas. If there are no bird-proof facilities for pears, grapes, and cherries, they can no longer be safely produced. However, when using bird-proof measures, pay attention to protection. birds.
#1. Selection of anti-bird nets
At present, the anti-bird nets on the market are mainly made of nylon. When choosing anti-bird nets, you should pay attention to selecting the appropriate size mesh and the appropriate thickness of the rope, and resolutely put an end to the use of wire mesh.
In the case of erecting anti-bird nets throughout the year, the snow-penetrating ability of anti-bird nets in winter should also be considered, so as to avoid excessive snow accumulation on the net surface of anti-bird nets and break the brackets and cause damage to fruit branches. For pear orchards, it is recommended to use a mesh of 3.0-4.0 cm × 3.0-4.0 cm, mainly to prevent large birds larger than magpies; the mesh for vineyards and cherry orchards can be smaller, with a mesh of 2.0-3.0 cm × 2.0-3.0 cm. net to keep out small birds.
Due to the poor ability of birds to distinguish colors, bright colors such as red, yellow and blue should be selected for the color of the anti-bird net.
#2Construction of anti-bird net skeleton
The simple bird-proof net skeleton is composed of a column and a steel wire support grid at the upper end of the column. The column can be made of cement column, stone column or galvanized steel pipe, and the upper end of the column is horizontally constructed with 10-12 steel wire to form a “well”-shaped grid. The height of the column should be 0.5 to 1.0 meters higher than the height of the tree
In order to facilitate the farming operation of the orchard, the erection of the columns should be combined with the pear tree trellis or the grape canopy, and the original trellis columns can be directly used after being heightened.
After the bird-proof net frame is built, install the bird-proof net, bind the bird-proof net to the steel wire at the upper end of the side column, and hang down from the top to the ground. In order to prevent birds from flying in from the side of the orchard, the bird-proof net needs to use soil or stone. The blocks are compacted, and agricultural operation passages are reserved in appropriate places to facilitate the entry and exit of people and machinery.
#3 How to use
When the fruit is close to the ripening season, the side net is put down, and the whole garden is closed. After the fruit is harvested, birds rarely fly into the orchard, but the side nets should be rolled up to allow passage for birds to enter and exit.
If a small number of birds collide and hang outside the side net, cut off the side net here and release the birds into nature in time; if a small number of birds leak into the net, roll up the side net and drive them out.
Bird-proof nets with small-diameter grids used in vineyards and cherry orchards are recommended to be put away after fruit harvesting due to their poor ability to resist snow pressure and snow penetration.