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Does the construction of the anti-hail net affect the fruit?

Does the construction of the anti-hail net affect the fruit?

Although hailstorms do not last for a long time, they often cause huge economic losses to agricultural production and people’s lives in a short period of time, with strong randomness, suddenness and regionality. Setting up hail nets for orchards is an effective new method to reduce hail disasters, which has been applied in Italy, France and other countries.
Does the construction of the hail prevention net have any effect on the fruit, and will it hinder the ripening of the fruit?

The answer is ——- No

1. From the temperature in the orchard, look at the impact of the hail-proof net on the orchard. We compare the ground temperature of the orchard with the hail-proof net and the orchard without the hail-proof net. The former heats up slowly during the day and cools down slowly at night, and the change range is relatively slow. During the day, the anti-hail net blocks the radiation of the sun and reduces the sharp rise of ground temperature; at night, the anti-hail net blocks the radiation of the ground and slows down the sharp drop of ground temperature. The uniform change of the temperature of each layer of the soil can promote the upward and downward movement of water vapor in the soil, accelerate the disintegration of organic matter and the decomposition of various salts, and improve the absorption capacity and absorption rate of the root system of fruit trees, which is conducive to the healthy growth of fruit trees.
2. In terms of soil moisture, a hail-proof net is built for the orchard, which reduces the amount of evaporation on the ground, forms a small space between the ground and the hail-proof net, cuts off the passage for the exchange of soil moisture and the atmosphere, and forms a hail-proof net. The water circulation between the soil and the soil improves the utilization rate of soil water. Relatively speaking, the porous and mesh-like characteristics of the hail prevention net not only effectively increase the soil moisture content, but also ensure the normal photosynthesis of fruit trees, and avoid the occurrence of fruit tree rot caused by high temperature and high humidity.
3. In terms of air humidity, the relative humidity of the orchards with hail-proof nets changes relatively slowly, while the changes of relative humidity of the orchards without hail-proof nets are more severe. Conducive to the normal growth of fruit trees.
Therefore, the construction of the anti-hail net not only does not hinder the growth of the fruit, but can promote the growth of the fruit and provide a better growth environment for the fruit.