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Brief introduction of three methods of pulling net, lifting net and casting net for pond fishing

1. Pull net method
This is the most commonly used method of fishing. Nets generally require that the length of the net is about 1.5 times the width of the pool surface, and the height of the net is about 2 times the depth of the pool.
Benefits of this fishing method:

The first is the complete range of fish from the pond, which can meet the requirements of different fishmongers.
Secondly, in the process of drawing the net, the bottom mud and pool water are stirred, which plays the role of fertilizer water and aeration.
Of course, this approach also has obvious disadvantages:

The first is that the process of pulling the net to separate the fish is long.

This inevitably has several undesirable consequences.
The first is that the labor intensity is too high, and at least multiple people are required to complete a pulling operation.
The second is that the fish is easily injured, which can cause fish diseases.
In addition, the phenomenon of hypoxia and dead fish may occur due to too long time during the fish separation operation.
Secondly, the catch rate of some fish is not high.
Especially in the season of high temperature and full water, the catch rate of common carp, crucian carp and grass carp is very low, so it is generally believed that the pulling net method is more suitable for the “fat water” with silver carp and bighead carp as the main fish. Fish” breeding pond.

Now, in response to the problems in the process of pulling the net, two improvement methods have been introduced:
The first is to use large mesh nets to pull the net. The nets used are determined according to the fishing specifications. The fish that do not meet the listed specifications are basically filtered out of the mesh and will not go online, thus shortening the operation time and avoiding the occurrence of hypoxia. This method is also unavoidable for fish injury, especially the herring and grass carp that are between the fingerlings and the adult fish are often prone to hanging on the net. These netted fish are generally injured in the gills and basically cannot survive. , the economic value of barely selling is also extremely poor.
The second is to use the fish-collecting purse seine method, that is, 2 to 3 hours before pulling the net, add new water to the pond, so that most fish in the pond are concentrated in the new water area. The fishing can be completed at the corner of the water, which greatly shortens the time of pulling the net. Since it is operated in a new water area, it will not cause the situation of oxygen-deficient and dead fish. However, this method is only suitable for use in the early stage when there is less water in the pool. At this time, the pond fish has an obvious response to the stimulation of the new water, and the purse seine works well. In the summer when the water is full, the pond fish does not respond strongly to the stimulation of the new water. , often do not receive very good results.

2. Lifting the net and moving the wire
This is a method of catching that was promoted after the use of compound feed for breeding.
Lifting net fishing principle:

The lifting net belongs to the netting category, which is improved from the moving net. When fishing, the net is placed under the bait point in advance, the fish is lured into the lifting net with feed, and the fishing operation is carried out using the principle of leverage. In short, lifting net fishing is to sink polyethylene or nylon nets in the waters that need to be caught in advance.
Advantages of this fishing method:

The operation is simple and the operation time is greatly shortened, and the whole process only takes about 40 minutes, thus reducing the damage to the fish. In addition, under normal weather conditions, this method has a very high catch rate for eating fish. Generally, at least 60% to 70% of the eating fish can be lifted in the net each time, which is especially suitable for catching large and small breeding requirements.
specific methods:

First put the lifting net and the net at the bottom of the feeding area. You can stop feeding for a day before the net is raised. When the net is raised, it will sound for 15 minutes and then empty the machine to induce the hungry fish to gather, and then use the feeding machine. Feeding, baiting for ten minutes (depending on the situation), at this time the fish will grab food, the fish will concentrate on the lifting net and the net surface, and then the net is lifted, the net is lifted or the net is moved to catch the fish.

Of course, the method of lifting the net and moving the string also has its disadvantages:
First, there are restrictions on the objects to be caught. It is only effective for eating fish, and the catch of silver carp is almost zero.
Second, it is obviously affected by the climate. Because the fish need to be swarmed by feeding, in the early morning of hot or rainy days, the purpose of gathering fish is often unable to achieve due to lack of oxygen.
Third, there is a high requirement for the depth of the pond water. In ponds with a depth of less than 1.5 meters, the fish often cannot concentrate on feeding due to the influence of the lifting net and the net at the bottom of the pond, so that the catching work sometimes cannot be completed smoothly. .
Fourth, the preparation time is long in the early stage. In order to achieve the ideal fishing effect, the lifting net and the net net should be placed at the bottom of the feeding area 5 to 10 days in advance to allow the fish to adapt.
3. Casting the net
“Casting net” is a kind of fishing net that is commonly used in the past. One person can complete the fishing operation by casting a net into the water from the boat or the shore. Each time the net is cast, it takes about 5 to 10 minutes, and the fishing area depends on the level of the operator, generally about 20 to 30 square meters.

The biggest advantages of this method:
It saves manpower, generally only 2 people can operate at most, and the fish caught by this method are complete in variety.
Its biggest disadvantage:
First, it is not conducive to large-scale fishing. Generally, it can only catch 50-100 catties or less at most each time.
The second is the serious damage to the caught fish, because the fish separation operation of this method must be completed on the boat or on the shore, which is very damaging to the fish species in the pond.
The third is that this kind of operation is highly technical and often needs to be done by specialized personnel. Therefore, the promotion value of this method has become less and less.
Through the above analysis, everyone can determine the fishing method according to their actual needs. Ponds dominated by fatty water fish should be mainly caught by pulling nets. In ponds mainly based on compound feed farming, it is generally better to move nets and lift nets. For some small adult fish ponds or fishing mainly for entertainment and leisure. For Chi, the casting net method is also a feasible and practical artistic method.